Watch: Japanese Vessel Pass through a Massive 30 Meters Tsunami Wave after a Strong Earthquake Hit Japan

On March 11, 2011, Japan was hit by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, causing a massive tsunami that kills thousands of Japanese people and wrecking hundreds of their houses and buildings.

The tsunami also caused a nuclear accident in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

While a viral video uploaded in social media showing how a Japanese vessels particularly the Japanese coast guard “Matsushima Vessel”, pass through and escape a massive tsunami wave three miles offshore, same day as the strong earthquake hit Japan.

The Japanese Vessel, quickly maneuvers directly toward to the tsunami to avoid sinking. As the vessel and the crew preparing their selves in engaging with the tsunami, you can hear several voices in Japanese language and also a very loud noise coming from the massive waves.

The moment that the vessel is passing through an estimated height of 30 meters massive wave, the vessels bow is clearly raising very high and splashes down as the wave passes over.

There are two moments where the vessels encounter tsunami waves that can be seen from 1:22 and 3:33 minute. Luckily the vessels and the crew of “Matsushima Vessel”, are safe after encountering tsunami.

Tsunami, is really scary! It is one of the most destructive natural event of Mother Nature. You cannot stop it, but you can avoid it by going to a safe and higher ground.

Whenever a strong Earthquake happen, always consider that there might be a tsunami that will come, people should always pay attention especially in coastal areas.

What can you say about this video? Kindly comment below on what to do if in case a strong earthquake and tsunami happen? But then again I hope it would not happen.
source: youtube